Crisis Helpline 732-240-6100
CONTACT is simply “people helping people”. We are a 24-hour Crisis Intervention/Listening telephone service. We are here for anyone who is in trouble, lonely, depressed, and suicidal or someone who just needs a person to listen to them. Volunteers are as close as the telephone 24 hours each day of the year, to listen and respond to the lonely, hurting people of our community.
Through an extensive training period, volunteers develop empathetic listening skills to help callers determine their own feelings, identify their options, and find their own strengths to resolve their problems. When appropriate, volunteers make referrals to other community services that are available to the caller.
All calls are kept confidential. Each caller is treated in a non-judgmental and accepting manner. We do not offer advice or try to solve another person’s problems. We do provide a safe place for callers to talk about their problems with anonymity and confidentiality. The empathy the caller receives helps them feel understood and enables them to take action on their own behalf.
To speak to a CONTACT Volunteer, call: